Sacking of Home Secretary Suella Braveman

The sacking of Home Secretary Suella Braveman is a worrying indication of the path the United Kingdom’s politics is now treading.

The Unionist Clubs Scotland are appalled at the actions of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and must now question his suitability to continue leading our country.

Ms Braverman has been a strong voice within the UK Government in defence of the rights and traditional values of British Citizens being upheld first and foremost. She has spoken with conviction and integrity on many matters which much of the British population is truly concerned about in these difficult times at home and abroad.

Her criticism of the Metropolitan Police is not unfounded. There have been many examples of incidents across the whole of the UK where certain types of demonstrations or protests seem to be given priority or more lenient policing than others. The very fact that the Met Police have issued an apology over pictures of two actively serving officers posing for photographs with pro-Palestinian protesters only further reinforces Ms Braverman’s points to be based upon facts.

Any and all police forces across the United Kingdom should be acting with impartiality towards any given group regardless of their nationality, race, religion or political beliefs. The police’s main concern should be maintaining law and order, not trying to win a popularity contest with flavour of the month media darlings.

Unionist Club Chairman, Robert Elliot has stated “Armistice Day is an institutional part of British culture and has been respectfully observed for more than a century by an overwhelming majority of the UK population. It is held on a specific day and time because it holds an historical significance for the family’s and loved ones of the brave souls who fought and died to protect the freedom of the British people. Whilst we understand that part of the liberties we enjoy is the right to protest, such protests should not be allowed to affect or interfere with significant, historical and cultural events such as these.”

The Met Police, the UK Government and London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, could have done far more to ensure the streets were clear for the few hours it takes to carry out the annual Remembrance Day service. After which, any protests could have resumed without issue instead of the disgusting and chaotic scenes witnessed across the media, making a mockery of one of the most poignant and significant days in our nation’s modern history.

The sacking of Ms Braverman for speaking the truth is a worrying sign that the UK Government is beginning to simply play the Popularity Politics game. Attempting to woo the media and those who scream the loudest into thinking they’re doing what they want in an attempt to cling to power for as long as they can.

As citizens of the United Kingdom we must now ask Mr Sunak to do the right thing – listen to the will of the British people and act upon it or step aside and allow those who will to run our Parliament.